Vancouver Residents Are Just a Money Dispensing Machine

Tax Tax Tax

Our Vision is to Tax YOU!

You reap what you sow.

I just love this phrase.

Vancouver residents cheerfully re-elected their Mayor in last election. Re-election of an incumbent Mayor means, you fully approve of his past actions and commited to his future actions and policies.

So, here we go again. Press the button of property owners and get some more money out of them. While the recession means tightening the budget and cutting expenses, it means a whole different thing for the Vancouver City Council.

We need more police force, while we do not have money at the moment. The city budget is already $52 million in deficit.
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2012 Offshore Voluntary Disclosure Initiative Announced by IRS

OVDI Tax Grab

IRS OVDI Tax Collector

If you have to file US tax returns, doing nothing is no longer an option. You have to file a US Tax Return, if you are,

1. A USA Citizen
2. A Dual USA Citizen Living Abroad
3. A USA Resident
4. A USA Green Card Holder Living Abroad

United States Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has been aggressively pursuing US persons (including US citizens and green-card holders living abroad) who have failed to report foreign income on their US income-tax returns and/or failed to report foreign bank and investment accounts on a Foreign Bank Account Report (FBAR). A US Person, must file income tax return with IRS, regardless of their residency.

IRS implemented amnesty programs since 2009 for US citizens to come forward with their foreign income reporting. More than 30,000 people have voluntarily complied since 2009, at least 30 have been criminally indicted and the IRS has netted a total of $4.4 billion in unpaid taxes, interest and penalties.

The State Department estimates that more than 6 million citizens live overseas, excluding those in the military, yet the IRS receives only 1.6 million tax returns each year with foreign addresses. And just over 500,000 FBARs were filed in 2009.

On January 9, 2012 the IRS announced a third amnesty, formally known as the Offshore Voluntary Disclosure Program. It is substantially the same as the 2011 amnesty (aka 2011 OVDI), with some exceptions:
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17 Jan 2012, 2:36pm
Income Tax

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Mitt Romney Pays 15% Tax on His $10 Million Dollar Annual Income

Mitt Romney pays lowest tax

How to pay tax in Canada and USA like Mitt

Ask Mitt Romney anything, just not about his personal income tax. That is the answer from his campaign office and the candidate himself in response to making public his 2010 Income Tax Return.

But he is ready to open his 2011 income tax return when it’s done and filed in April of 2012.

Warren Buffet, the nation’s leading investment guru with a net worth of $39 billion, has lamented the fact that he pays an effective tax rate below that of his secretary. Mitt Romney, the overwhelming favorite to win the Republican nomination, estimated his effective tax rate on the income generated by his $250 million fortune is “probably closer to the 15 percent rate than anything.”

Mitt Romney reported that his personal net worth is about $250 million and a significant asset of the Romney family is owned by his wife, who does not have to report her net worth or her personal income tax return.

Romney’s money managers would have to be bad at their jobs if his income doesn’t soar well above $10 million a year. No doubt, reporters and the public will tear through the return for evidence of where it came from.
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8 Nov 2011, 10:20am
Income Tax

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Extreme Tax Saving Strategy by Hollywood Actor Johnny Depp

Income Tax Saving Move

Johnny Depp and French Tax

Hollywood movie star of the movie Pirates of the , Johnny Depp has decided to move out of his long time foreign country of residence of France and move back to America in a tax saving strategy.

Dual citizens or people living in two tax treaty country should take note.

Johnny Depp and his French singer/actress partner Vanessa Paradis had moved to France in the 1990s to live away from the Hollywood spotlight with their two children.

According to the French immigration rule, if he lived in France for more than 183 days, in a calendar year, he will become a permanent resident of the country and will have to pay income tax on his worldwide income to French Government. But as a US citizen he must also report and pay taxes to USA Federal government.
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How Would You Like To Pay Tax Like A USA Corporation

Pay No Income Tax

USA Corporation Tax Dodgers

A major study of USA corporations published today, proved again that even though USA has a high 35% corporate income tax rate, none of the biggest corporations in the world, operating in USA pay taxes at that rate.

These are companies listed on the top of Fortune 500 rankings and admired by professionals, investors and consumers all over the world. Their net profits are in billions of dollars, huge cash stashed in offshore accounts, and they are being subsidized by tax rebates from the USA Federal government.

The study of 280 fortune 500 companies identified,

• They have received about $223 billion in tax subsidies.
• Financial service companies (Banks) received the largest share of subsidy (17% or $37bn).
• Over the last three years 2008-2010, 50% of the tax subsidy was awarded to financial services, utilities, telecoms and oil, gas pipelines. more »