27 Jan 2011, 9:12pm

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She stole my drink @ Blarney Stone

I was at the Blarney Stone in the evening attending an amazing event by BC Council for International Cooperation (BCCIC.ca) International Development Drinks. Amazing vive at the gathering and it was packed. This was my first time attending their event, so I was trying to mingle around and get seven signatures for a $20 gift certificate. I was very curious about the non profit activities and the organizations involved with the group.

Since I get thirsty talking and mingling, got a drink at the bar and was back at my table. After few minutes, got up and started networking with others.

When I was back few minutes later, my drink was gone. I looked around, and saw a lady without a name tag having a drink. Everyone attending had a name tag. And the fine glass she was drinking from, looked like it was the same glass that I had.
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25 Jan 2011, 12:45pm
BC Province Income Tax

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Top 10 Ways to Save Your After Tax Income

Continuing from my previous post, here are top 10 ways to save money in 2011.

1. Stop using credit card – Credit card interest rate is anywhere from 9% to 29%. If you are using credit card and keeping an outstanding balance, it is costing you hundreds of dollars every year. First thing you can do to save money is pay off all your credit card outstanding balance and not to use it anymore if you do not intend to payoff the balance every month.

2. Use cash – Want to limit your spending habit and save money? Use cash for every expense. When you are carrying all your major credit cards, bank cards, cheque book etc. with you, you have the potential to spend all of it. Instead take only cash with you. That will limit your purchase power and even you are tempted to spend more, you will be limited to spend only the available cash with you.
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17 Jan 2011, 6:40pm
Income Tax

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Top 10 ways to Waste Your After Tax Income

I take the transit to play every morning to my office. On the way Metronews and 24hr News helps me get pumped up.

It was exciting to see in the news the top 10 waste of your hard earned after tax money. Yes, it says the readers voted. But I knew it all along…. And it seems like I am not wasting my money in any of the top 10 ways.

I will try to explain it in detail here and just for a note.. multiply any cost by 1.50 and that is the actual amount you are earning to waste the money.

Here is my top 10.
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16 Jan 2011, 11:52pm
Income Tax

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Tuition Tax Credit for Students and Parents

We need a well educated work force for Canada to stay an advanced and developed country. Federal Government understands it and that is why they offer extensive tax incentives to go to school and continue higher education.

Even with recession and unemployment, education cost is rising. StatCan estimated that 90% of students faced an increase in cost of going to school.

Students and parents carry the bulk of increased education cost. But these amazing Tuition Tax Credits can reduce this burden somehow.

Anyone registered to go to school and pays tuition, the university or college issues a form T2202A to the student that states the tuition credit they can claim.
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What is Old Age Security Benefits and How to Apply?

The Old Age Security (OAS) program provides income security to Canadian seniors who are 65 years or older.

Many Canadians from the Baby Boomer age will be reaching the retirement age starting 2011 and if you are or you know someone who is retiring, let them know about these government benefits available to them.

Old Age Security benefits include:
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